Friday, June 26, 2009

Wow, old pictures.

It's sorta true, pictures never really die.

This was back in the beginning in June where I thought blue nails were superb.


I think clear is oh so chic, now!

I miss Laycie and her candidsD:

Who do you miss?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

What the heck are grits?

haha @ LaVendrick, I haven't heard someone say they were making grits in a LONG time.

(: This is a blog dedicated to summer! My summer of 2009.

Can you belive it's the end of freshman year? No more freshman finals, no more freshman jokes made at you, just sophmore finals and sophmore jokes made at you. Lol, well at least summer is here to relieve you of that!

What have you done?

What's your list TO be done by the end of summer?